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Jones played Abe Sapien in Hellboy the voice was performed by an uncredited David Hyde Pierce in the first film, but Jones's voice was used in the sequel. I once squished into a box for a commercial for relaxed fit jeans.' In 1994, he appeared in an episode of Unsolved Mysteries as Gordon Page, Jr., a young man with autism who disappeared from a treatment center in 1991.Īlthough known mostly for his work under prosthetic makeup, such as the zombie Billy Butcherson in the Walt Disney Pictures Halloween film Hocus Pocus, or the lead spy Morlock in the 2002 remake of the 1960 film The Time Machine, he has also performed without prosthetics in such films as Adaptation, Mystery Men, and Batman Returns, and indie projects such as Stefan Haves' Stalled, AntiKaiser Productions' Three Lives, Phil Donlon's A Series of Small Things, and as Cesare in David Fisher's 2005 remake of the 1920 silent classic The Cabinet of Dr. They'll want somebody to hold a box of Tide funny or something. Jones started his career in the television and movie industry as a 1980s advertising character, ' Mac Tonight.' He worked as a contortionist, saying, 'You'd be surprised how many times that comes into play in commercials.

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